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Renewal version of websocket gauge client, with using typescript and pixi.js(webgl).

Documentation of meter primitive parts classes.

Table of contents


This library currently have 3 types of meter primitive parts.




Each parts extends the PIXI.Container parts, and can be treated like PIXI.Container. To view the source code of meter primitives, refer WebSocketGaugeClientNeo/src/lib/Graphics.

Setup options

Each meter primitive classes have “Option” class to describe the setting. Before construct the parts instance (by new statement), it is better to describe the meter setting like this..

// Create "Option" object and input the settings.
const waterTempProgressBarOptions = new CircularProgressBarOptions();
waterTempProgressBarOptions.Texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame("AnalogSpeedMeter_Bar");
waterTempProgressBarOptions.Max = 60;
waterTempProgressBarOptions.Min = 140;
waterTempProgressBarOptions.Radius = 162;
waterTempProgressBarOptions.InnerRadius = 120;
waterTempProgressBarOptions.OffsetAngle = 165;
waterTempProgressBarOptions.FullAngle = 120;

// Create meter primitive(CircularProgressBar) object (by setting the option class as the argument of the constructor)
const waterTempProgressBar = new CircularProgressBar(waterTempProgressBarOptions);

After creating the primitive objects, the content of the “Option” objects can be accessed as Options property. Thus, it is also possible to create primitive class with blank constructor argument, and input settings via Option property.

//Create RectangularProgressBar with blank constructor argument.
const tachoProgressBar = new RectangularProgressBar();

//Input the settings via Options property.
tachoProgressBar.Options.Texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame("DigiTacho_Bar");
tachoProgressBar.Options.Min = 0;
tachoProgressBar.Options.Max = 9000;
tachoProgressBar.Options.Vertical = false;
tachoProgressBar.Options.InvertDirection = false;
tachoProgressBar.Options.GagueFullOnValueMin = false;
tachoProgressBar.Options.PixelStep = 8;
tachoProgressBar.Options.MaskHeight = 246;
tachoProgressBar.Options.MaskWidth = 577;

Common properties (member of super class Gauge1D and Gauge1DOptions)

All of meter primitives have some common properties and methods. (Actually, all of the meter primitive extend the base class of Gauge1D).

Class definition code

See WebSocketGaugeClientNeo/src/lib/Graphics/private/GagueBase.ts.




Class definition code

See WebSocketGaugeClientNeo/src/lib/Graphics/private/CircularProgressBar.ts

Example code

// Create Option class
const waterTempProgressBarOptions = new CircularProgressBarOptions();
// Assing Texture
waterTempProgressBarOptions.Texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame("AnalogSpeedMeter_Bar");
// Set the gauge range from 60(degC) to 140(degC)
waterTempProgressBarOptions.Max = 60;
waterTempProgressBarOptions.Min = 140;
// Set radius and inner radius of doughnut shaped mask.
waterTempProgressBarOptions.Radius = 162;
waterTempProgressBarOptions.InnerRadius = 120;
// Set "Offset" and "Full" angle (see the figure above).
waterTempProgressBarOptions.OffsetAngle = 165;
waterTempProgressBarOptions.FullAngle = 120;
// Set the center position of doughnut shaped mask.

const waterTempProgressBar = new CircularProgressBar(waterTempProgressBarOptions);


Following properties are available on CircularProgressBarOptios class.


Class definition code

See WebSocketGaugeClientNeo/src/lib/Graphics/private/RectangularProgressBar.ts

Example code

//Create tacho(engine rev) progress bar
const tachoProgressBar = new RectangularProgressBar();

// Assign texture.
tachoProgressBar.Options.Texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame("DigiTachoBar");

// Set Max and Min (0rpm to 9000rpm)
tachoProgressBar.Options.Min = 0;
tachoProgressBar.Options.Max = 9000;

// This gauge sweeps horizontal and left to right (see above figure)
tachoProgressBar.Options.Vertical = false;
tachoProgressBar.Options.InvertDirection = false;
tachoProgressBar.Options.GagueFullOnValueMin = false;

// Set mask height and width
tachoProgressBar.Options.MaskHeight = 246;
tachoProgressBar.Options.MaskWidth = 577;



Class definition code

See WebSocketGaugeClientNeo/src/lib/Graphics/private/RotationNeedleGauge.ts.

Example code

// Create option class.
const tachoNeedleGaugeOptions = new RotationNeedleGaugeOptions();
// Assign texture
tachoNeedleGaugeOptions.Texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame("AnalogTachoMeter_Needle");
// Set Max and Min to 0(rpm) and 9000(rpm), respectevely.
tachoNeedleGaugeOptions.Max = 0;
tachoNeedleGaugeOptions.Min = 9000;
// Offset angle (rotation angle when Value = Min) set to 90deg.
tachoNeedleGaugeOptions.OffsetAngle = 90;
// Full angle to 270deg.
tachoNeedleGaugeOptions.FullAngle = 270;

// Create gauge instance.
this.tachoNeedleGauge = new RotationNeedleGauge(tachoNeedleGaugeOptions);

// Set rotation pivot coodinate to (15, 15)
// Place needle gauge to (300, 300)


Properties is similar to those of CircularProgressBar.