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Communicate Defi/SSM/Arduino sensor reader/ELM327 and castthe data on JSON+websocket format.

WebSocketGaugeServer - Configure

Configuration file

Edit appsettings.json.

"ServiceConfig" Section

Basic (common) configuration of ECU/Sensor communication service

Here is an example of ELM327 (OBDII) ECU communication service.

"ELM327": {
      /* ---- Common setting ---- */
      "enabled": false,
      "urlpath" : "/elm327",
      "virtualecu" : {"enabled": false, "waitmsec" : 15},
      "comport": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
      /* ---- ELM327 specific setting --- */
      "baudrate": 9600,
      "elm327ProtocolMode": "0",
      "elm327AdaptiveTimingControl": 1,
      "elm327Timeout" : 50

ELM327 specific configuration

In addition to basic configuration, ELM327 service has some specific configurations.